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The right Product and Right usage can ease acne pimples Naturally


Acne or pimples is a skin condition that usually affects adolescents or teenagers however can also affect an individual at any age. It leads to spots and boils over the skin, face, foreheads, chest, and neck.

The spots may range from blackheads and whiteheads that are mild and painless to intense boils or pustules that are inflamed and pus-filled with intense pain.

Why does acne occur?

Acne is most likely to be caused due to changes in hormone levels during puberty. This is the reason why it affects teenagers more than other age groups.

Those with oily skin are more susceptible to developing acne. Glands in the skin at puberty release an oily substance known as sebum. This sebum is thick and may block the small pores within the skin through which hair grows. These are known as hair follicles.

This leads to the formation of blackheads and whiteheads. These hair follicles when blocked might also get inflamed with bacteria to lead to pimples. 

Causes of acne on the face?

Excess oil production, pores clogged with the aid of ‘sticky’ skin cells, bacteria, and inflammation are the four elements that directly contribute to acne.

  • Hormones, stress, and the menstrual cycle in women, these kinds of factors can have an impact on oil production which then leads to the formation of acne.
  • Diets can influence inflammation throughout the body.

Symptoms of acne:-

  • Red swelled-up patches or lumps that are visibly filled with pus.
  • Pimples are chronic, repeated red patches or swelling on the skin that can become irritated and fill with pus. They most generally appear on the face, chest, shoulders, neck, and upper back.
  • Dark spots in the centre with open pores (blackheads).
  • Tiny white bumps beneath the skin with no visible opening (whiteheads).
  • Inflamed, fluid-filled, and often sensitive nodules or lumps under the skin, these nodules can grow to be an inch wide.

Acne Treatment:-

Acne often needs medical treatment. Though a person can take care of oily and zits prone skin with the aid of washing it and the use of suitable products for cleansing. It’s better to consult a dermatologist to figure out which products will be more effective and suitable.

The basic treatment that a dermatologist prescribes for acne includes over-the-counter creams and cleansers, antibiotics medications, anti-inflammatory, vitamin A derivative, Antibiotics, and topical antibiotics.

Skincare products for acne pimple-prone skin:-

‘SNAANA’ acne pimple prone skincare products are made essentially with ingredients that balance the skin oil production, cleanse the oil from pores effectively, tone & moisturize the skin with only non-comedogenic mist & cream leaving no space for bacteria to thrive. In teenage, the skin has its own ability to heal and repair damage caused by the sun, acne-pimple scars, etc. but acne pimple is a condition caused by excess oil production in skin pores due to hormonal changes so all that is needed is right non-clogging product for a clean and clear skin. And at SNAANA we make products only with ingredients that play a role in keeping skin healthy and acne pimple free.

SNAANA- Anti Acne Essential Oil Blend

  • Best suitable for cystic and non-cystic acne pimples
  • Ease inflammation, redness pain, and lighten scars
  • Natural antibacterial blend effective spot pimples
  • Time-tested ingredients blend
  • 100% free from chemical & preservative


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