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Showing posts with the label Ayurvedic

Ashwagandha: benefits for skin and health

Ashwagandha is also known as Withania Somnifera, Indian Ginseng, Smell of Horse, Winter Cherry, Dunal, and Solanaceae. A common plant used in Ayurvedic treatment is ashwagandha. It is a tiny shrub that is indigenous to India and some regions of Asia. It has yellow flowers and crimson berries. As an adaptogen, ashwagandha is thought to improve the body's capacity to withstand stress. Earlier studies on rodents and cell cultures indicate that ashwagandha has a variety of positive effects on health. Ashwagandha has been used in traditional Indian medicine for centuries for its various health benefits. According to Ayurveda, ashwagandha benefits are "adaptogens," which means they assist the body cope with stress and advance general health and well-being. It is frequently used to boost the immune system, lessen anxiety and stress, enhance cognitive performance, and encourage sound sleep. Ashwagandha may have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor characteristics, according to certa...