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Organic hair Care products in India

Introduction Organic hair care products are made with natural ingredients without using any synthetic chemicals. In ancient times Indians used natural products like multani mitti as shampoo and naturally made oils like mustard oil, almond oil, curry leaf oil, etc. That’s why ancient people had strong and healthy hair. Benefits of organic hair care products   Organic hair care products are more beneficial in comparison to the chemically made product Organic hair care products avoid synthetic chemicals, preservatives, and fragrances. Here are some organic and natural hair care products in India  Almond oil:- Almond oil is the best source for hair care. It helps to promote hair growth . Also almonds are high in vitamin E and antioxidant properties which protects from hair dirt. Mustard oil :- Mustard oil is rich in nutrients that can help in hair straighten and condition. Mustard seeds are useful in your hair masks because of their high calcium , iron, magnesium, and vitamin B6 conte