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The best solution for hand & feet dryness in winters


Winter is the season of dry skin and needs special care while the temperatures dip. The humidity level drops in winters and the air is cold and dry. This causes the moisture in the skin to evaporate quickly while making the dry skin look flaky. Dry skin is quite common in the winter months. Winter weather can also make the skin look and feel dry and chapped.

Causes of winter dryness:-

The outermost layer of the skin consists of dead skin cells embedded in a mixture of natural oils that are made by underlying living skin cells. These natural skin oils maintain the water interior of our body from escaping into the air and also keep irritating substances and germs from entering the body. Both the skin oils and the dead skin cells hold a certain amount of water that facilitates keeping the skin soft, gentle, pliable, and smooth. 

Dry skin results when there is not enough water in the top layer of the skin for it to function properly. One way this can happen is when protective oils in the outermost layer of the skin, consisting of keratinized cells are lost so water that is normally present in the skin is allowed to escape. Too much soap, harsh chemicals exposure, the normal ageing process, and certain skin diseases are some of the causes of decreased amounts of protective skin oils. As the skin dries out, it shrinks and, as it shrinks, small cracks can occur.

Symptoms associated with dry skin:-

Sometimes, the only symptom of dry skin is itching, although most people also will notice that their skin is flaky and slightly more wrinkled than normal. Symptoms of dry skin may worsen during the winter months, especially if you spend a lot of time indoors when the heated air is dry.

Signs and symptoms of dry skin range from mild to severe and can vary depending on age, coexisting medical conditions, and environmental factors, but likely include one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Skin that feels and look rough, scaly, or flaky
  • A feeling of skin tightness, especially after bathing or swimming
  • Itching, also known as pruritus
  • Burning, stinging or redness
  • Fine lines or creepiness in the skin
  • Calloused, rough, cracked skin
  • Grey, ashy skin

Treatments for Dry Skin:-

Treatment for dry skin focuses on rehydrating or bringing moisture back to your skin. Treatment for dry skin could include:-

  • Using Moisturisers: Moisturisers are the main form of treatment for most types of dry skin. They smooth and soften dry skin to help prevent cracking and other to recreate your natural skin barrier. Moisturising products come in ointments, creams, lotions, and oils and include ingredients like emollients, which soothe and hydrate your skin, and hyaluronic acid, which increases moisture in your skin.
  • Take medicines: for extremely dry skin that’s itchy or prone to cracking, your healthcare provider can also prescribe a topical steroid, which acts to decrease the swelling (inflammation) to your skin that causes a rash and itching. In severe cases, oral or injectable medication may be appropriate. Also, oils like babchi (bakuchi), hempseed, kalonji, gotu kola can be used as a natural alternative to medicine if it works well for the individual. 

Which is the best product for dry skin?

SNAANA’s after-shower oils are prepared using different linoleic-rich cold pressed oils that are light and quick to absorb in nature. These are 100% natural, organic & hand-made that contain no synthetic and even no preservatives at all. A complete No to artificial. These are the best body moisturizers to keep the skin hydrated and moisturized. Relieves dryness, itch, and other unnourished skin concerns. Its natural aromatic properties will uplift your mood.

SNAANA- Baby After Shower Body & Hair Oil- with Jojoba & Lavender

  • Soothe & moisturise the baby’s delicate skin
  • Relieves dryness and cradle cap
  • Light, non-greasy & easy to absorb & convenient to apply
  • Free from synthetic fragrance
  • 100% chemical & preservative free
  • Aroma and color in the product are derived from the ingredients only
  • Healthy – chemical free & cost-effective substitute for lotions

 SNAANA- Teenagers After Shower Oil with Night Jasmine

  • Moisturises the skin leaving it soft, smooth, and hydrated.
  • Quick to apply, quick to absorb.
  • Reduces tan, scars and other skin discoloration
  • Nourishes the dry hair ends
  • Natural aroma provides the necessary health benefits and uplifts the mood.
  • 100% chemicals & preservative free
  • Healthy – chemicals free & cost-effective substitute for lotions

 SNAANA- Adults After Shower Oil With Jojoba – Grapefruit

  • Quick absorbing, light & non-greasy blend
  • Super effective in hydrating and moisturising the skin
  • Improve the skin texture making it smooth and soft
  • Diminishes skin discoloration, cars & tan
  • 100% free from chemicals and preservatives
  • Contain natural soothing herb aroma (free from the synthetic fragrance)
  • A complete healthy topical food for body skin.
  • Healthy – chemical-free & cost-effective substitute for lotions

Why should I avoid using lotions?

Moisturising lotions which are water-based, or creams (lipid-based), can disturb this water/lipid/protein complex. The result is an over-saturated layer which is less effective as a barrier, such that the skin feels tight and sensitive after washing. Lotions can not be made without using chemicals hence with every application we end up feeding chemicals to our skin. 


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